Children’s Ministry
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
At Smiths Falls Free Methodist Church, we consider it an awesome privilege to partner with you as parents and care-givers in the spiritual upbringing of your children.
We have a team of caring, dedicated teachers and helpers who are eager to provide your child with interactive, Bible-based activities and teaching designed to help your child grow in his or her personal relationship with Jesus. Your child can look forward to enjoying Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, and more in a safe and friendly environment.
We offer classes for the following ages/grades:
Nursery Ages 0 – 2
Preschool and Kindergarten Ages 2 or 3 – 5
Elementary Grades 1 – 5
Junior High Grades 6 – 8
High School Grades 9 – 12
*You may access the nursery for the entire service or as required anytime during the service.
Join A Small Group
We’d love to connect you to a small group. Feel free to contact us, and we’ll get you plugged in!
Small Groups
It has been said that the average person today doesn’t want to just attend a church. They want to have genuine relationships with other people who do life together. At Smiths Falls Free Methodist Church, we feel the same way. That’s why we encourage everyone to be a part of one of our Small Groups.
You may know them by different names—life groups, home groups, cell groups, discipleship groups, etc. But, whatever they are called, the idea of our small groups is the same. It’s a small gathering of people who are interested in learning together, supporting each other, and growing spiritually together.
Small groups help us develop close relationships within the greater church family. They allow us to do more than just hear some teaching. In a small group we’re better able to engage and have conversations about the things we’re learning, and how we might put those things into practice.
They are also a great way for us to support one another more closely and effectively. It’s far easier to share a personal hurdle or pain you might be experiencing, within a small group setting where you are familiar and comfortable with the people at your side. This is also why small groups tend to be a great source for encouragement and accountability. There is nothing quite like a small group of friends who are always there to help you up when you are down, and cheer you on when you’re doing well.
We are always developing new groups and would love to help you get plugged in. If this is something you’re interested in, please let us know! It would be a great please to help you connect a small group today.
Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure
-D.L. Moody
We are committed to being a church that prays first and acts second because we know that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 We believe that prayer is an incredible privilege to communicate directly with God. Not only as a way to make our requests known but also to hear what God is speaking to us as well.
We also recognize the challenge most people have in developing and sustaining a full and healthy prayer life. We strive to provide opportunities for all to focus on their prayer lives individually and to support each other through prayer.
We have various prayer teams, including worship prayer teams, event prayer teams, weekly prayer requests, intercessory prayer teams, etc. If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer Team, email us to learn more and/or to join the Prayer Team.